Saturday, 24 September 2011

If I dont touch the brake line when changing pads on 03 focus do I have to bleed them?

No. You only need to bleed the system if it opens to air. You will push the caliper binds back either by hand or with a tool, thus not exposing the fluid.
If I dont touch the brake line when changing pads on 03 focus do I have to bleed them?
No. Simply loosen the master cylider cap to let off the pressure when you compress the calipers.
If I dont touch the brake line when changing pads on 03 focus do I have to bleed them?
you don't have to but they recommend doing it to circulate new fluid into the system... either way make sure to pump the brakes back up before driving the vehicle... good luck
as long as all you did was compress the cylinders in with a

C clamp, NOPE
YES. Every time you change the brake pads, you REALLY SHOULD bleed the brakes as a matter of safety maintenance.

Chances are that your brake pedal has a little more travel than it should. This is very, very COMMON.

Your brakes stop the car and keep people from being KILLED. DON'T make assumptions with them.

I don't mean to sound like an alarmist, but I can't stress the importance of this enough. A major cause of brake fade (loss of stopping ability) is from an accumulation of gasses from the brake fluid being overheated.

Technically no, but after 4 years it might be a good idea to have all the brake fluid replaced with new fluid.

Brake fluid absorbs moisture from the air like a sponge which over time can rust your brake components from the inside and shorter their life span.

It's pain to do yourself, but my brake shop did it for $40 all new fluids included.

I didn't touch my brake lines either, but after the fluid change, I could feel the brake pedal being firmer like it was a new car again .

I don't cut costs on brakes or tires. My life is worth $40 bucks every four years.
You are going to end up having to open the bleeder screw anyway. You will damaged your Anti-lock system just trying to push the piston back into the caliper.

The easiest method is to clamp off the brake line, open the bleeder, and push the piston back.
no, but it doesn't hurt.
You won't be able to do it without relieving pressure. You will wind up having to bleed the lines.
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